
Brian Moore


Film Noir: Weegee Was His Name; Murder Was His Game : The Picture Show : NPR

Weegee talks about murder in a 1958 recording called "Famous Photographers Tell How." He says the easiest job to cover is a murder, "because the stiff would be lying on the ground; he couldn't get up and walk away and get temperamental, and he would be good for at least two hours."
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A bit drastic just to get the model to stay still !!! :eek: :D:D
He produced some truly compelling images and was partly responsible for getting Stanley Kubrick his first job (as staff photographer with a newspaper). I saw an exhibition of Weegee's images in Berlin about 3 years ago. The prints really have impact.
That quote posted above--I'm guessing Hamish posted it--is classic. If you've ever heard Weegee talk (I think he can be heard on the sound version of the link I posted) you can easily "hear" his voice in that quote.