Well this may come as a bit of a shock..............but....

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
...........after many years being faithful to my trusty PS3 I have finally joined the realms of the nearly posh people and thrown away some cash and am now the proud daddy of LR4...................

.............Folks just answer me one question.............pleeease............am I the only Dinosaur left??

In fact NAH! don't answer that, it might cause some one some embarrassment.

I have however been using Fuji's RAW converter which is in many ways Lightroom with fewer bells, whistles and B0ll0x.

Clearly now I am to be classed as Modern Blokie; LR, will no doubt be my work horse and PS will reside in the dark room......note the Photog seg there. Gosh who writes this stuff???

Anyway by way of an apology before I post any contrived or overly pp'd stuff in the near future be warned that there may be a flurry, or even a drizzle or two of repeat image posting, just to gauge where I'm at..........

If you get bored with the Dino just send HUGO to slap him down..


I'm sure you'll have no problem with it Kev (why LR4 and not LR5 though?). You can still dive into PS from LR though know (right click, edit image in) and then when you save and close it in PS a new version of the file will appear in the LR catalog (sic). I do that for perspective correction (I prefer PS tp LR for this in most instances) and some cloning etc.

Looking forward to the 'new' versions. :)
I don't use LR Kev, never have, never will :)
Pete, a slight misread when ordering but budget mainly and if I don't get on with it then not so much cash thrown into it..

Jim, whats a Playstation??? ;)

Davie, I thought that but I made the leap.

Beth, Am pretty happy with it at the mo Just getting used to how it all works and I'll have to look at my current filing system .

Glenn, How very dare you? I'll have you know that I have been using a hammer for along time now, you can even use it to insert screws, [ner]

Talking of which I must set the abacus up I have some invoices to sort through [banghead]
I'm pretty sure Kev's just bought one of these


Nice one Kev - you'll be able to go anywhere to take photos :D
I'm pretty sure Kev's just bought one of these


Nice one Kev - you'll be able to go anywhere to take photos :D

Now I wish Chris, sadly someone who owes me for work done who claims to be short of readies has just bought a branny LR4 grrrrrr!