Just for Show When amongst beautiful women.

Gavin Robert

Well-Known Member
Give their mother the limelight.

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You're too kind. This was taken in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria.
I flew there and travelled around the country by car just for the hell of it in 2010. The day I landed at Sofia International the city was holding a week long international dance festival and I couldn't believe my luck.

It was an outdoor event and the police security were a handful to say the least so I went to speak to the organiser to see if I could get an official pass. Noticing he was wearing a Liverpool football club shirt but me not knowing anything about football I popped into an internet cafe and found out who the football team captain was and what there most recent big win was. Armed with few facts and clenched buttocks I approached him and gave it the 'blarney'. When I mentioned the big football win he asked if I watched it, "Watched it? I was there!" and so after an uncomfortable man hug a pass was provided by his miserable assistant. With the police off my back I booked another 3 nights in the hotel and delayed the road trip.

Lots of countries were represented and countries I most likely will never visit, so it was fantastic to see their national dances all bought to one place and having access to the stage.

Countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Slovenia etc etc etc. I never knew there were so many beautiful women in the world. Simply amazing.
Yeah its a great back story, Gavin. I was going to remark that at least Liverpool FC are good for something this year (other than the League Cup, England's red-headed step-child of footy competitions) but then I noticed the foties were taken in 2010. Still, very happy you shared your blarney story.
Thanks for appreciating the back story. The reason I enjoy blogged photo journals is for the back stories and probably why I do it myself now and again. Especially if it was a warm memory.

This image was back stage in an open area. It was evening time and some of the young dance troops had been hanging around most of the day so under the cover of twilight some of them started playing up. This shot was a complete mistake after hitting something accidentally on the camera, probably the mode dial. Its still one of my favourite images from my week in Sofia.

This is untouched, cropped only. If only all images could be the same :(

Both images are fantastic Gavin, but the 2nd is something else. Amazing isn't it? All that seems to matter sometimes is not what you have or what you do, just that you happen to press the shutter release at the right moment.
Brian and Paul I couldn't express how much your appreciation means to me. This is the first time I've publicly shown the image since it was taken in July 2010 and as I said still one of my favourites.
I've held back on showing it because it means so much to me and being a mistake didn't want it pulled apart, but because there doesn't seem to be any trolls in RPF I took the plunge and thankfully too.

This has made my week. Thank you.
No worries Gavin, I think all of us here on RPF have a strong dislike of people who seem intent on just finding fault for the sake of it. I for one am glad that you posted the image as I got a lot from looking at it. Did the flash fire, was it rear sync?
Yes Paul the flash did fire and most likely with a baby sock diffusing the head. I remember playing with the curtains during this time and looking at it I would agree on second curtain fire.

Thanks Pete. I'm pleased to have shared it now :)