Rob MacKillop
Edinburgh Correspondent
The Dawn of Bucket Head! Nice one.
i might have predated buckethead by 2ish years. this was probably 1986. i know that's my brother in the background, but i have no idea where this was taken. that's not home and i can't place it at any of the usual relatives.The Dawn of Bucket Head! Nice one.
I am sorry I cannot contribute, Rob. It's a lovely series and important. I was never that young and no one took an interest in any photography as I understand. The only one I can recall is me lying on a sheepskin, very young, at a professional photographer.View attachment 19625
Here I am, aged five perhaps? Yes, three sisters, all wearing clothes made by my mother, who also made her own dress, and also knitted all the knitwear you see. Presumably, my father is taking the picture. I remember him having a camera like a Rollei, which we all took turns in looking down at the upside-down views. I actually remember those socks, which were in different shades of blue. Those who have observed my crazy hair these days, can here see that it was my mother who passed on those genes to me! Good to see me so happy! Not sure my mother is so happy. Things were about to unravel between my parents over the coming years, so it is easy for me to imagine that had already started, but perhaps not. I'd like to think there was a time when we were all happy together...
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I bet your cheeks were rosyme lying on a sheepskin, very young, at a professional photographer.
Rob, I think those things went with our generation! C of E High Church, didn't have altar boys in that outfit, however services were partly in Latin. Also made a fair amount of money (in a child's terms) attending weddings. usually had 2 or 3 every Saturday at half a crown each, paid quarterly!Bill, I also was a choir boy and altar boy, and also had Clark’s sandals!
I joined the Merchant Navy as an Engineer Officer - made a career of it, however, being in the MN makes you extremely sceptical and being an engineer means that if you can't see it, touch it or detect it, it isn't there which kind of pushed me in the direction of Atheism too!Ha, I like your thinking, Bill: it’s a business! Mine was a Roman Catholic Church, which sewed the seed of my Born-Again Atheism.Seems another lifetime away. But seeing your photos has rekindled memories for me, so thanks for that.
Jesus boots?I love that Kodachrome image, Bill. Your father was clearly a damn fine photographer.
I too had Clarks sandals just like those, but despite never being an alter-boy I still found a path to atheism: that happened at about the time I got the sandals in fact. I wonder...