Critique Welcomed When in Rome

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
When in Rome - or in this case Arizona, you do what the locals do.

Visiting swmbo's relatives in Cottonwood, the 'menfolk' were heading out to the desert to 'shoot up some stuff', as part of the holiday weekend festivities.

Beth and Steve may be able to comment as to what happens in other states, but in AZ the Second Amendment is taken rather seriously, and the menfolk produced a wide array of arms for us to shoot with.

We all jumped into the Suburban, and headed off into the wilderness to set up some targets for a few hours of practice.

We were not alone either - just up the trail were some rather serious looking gentlemen with what I can only describe as military grade sniper equipment! :eek:

My only previous firearms experience was with shotguns in the UK, so this was and interesting experience - and it was interesting to see how quickly people adapted to handling lethal weapons!


Here's Mark shooting the .357 Sig - you can see the casing being ejected at top of frame, and the slide is in motion, readying the next round.

I enjoyed the experience as a whole - it was educational, and a good test of eyesight and coordination.


Al shooting a .22

The only items harmed were some cans and targets, and we carefully collected our spent shells after the fun was done.

I liked the .357 Sig and managed a good grouping.

I did shot a plastic parmesan cheese container if that counts Pete! :D
Thanks Brian - The beer is in the cooler of course! :D

See you I knew instantly you weren't in Texas. In Texas you aren't allowed to carry a firearm unless you also have a beer on you.

My boss is a 58 year old woman who has a concealed weapons permit. Every year she, her husband, and her daughter go to this Urban Warfare training school somewhere near here. I don't even own a threatening knife. I guess I'm in deep doo doo when the societal breakdown Apocalypse comes......