Wide lens?

Adam Lewis

Well-Known Member
Has anyone got a suggestion to a wide lens? The widest my lens collection goes is 18mm (kit) but I don't like the lens - so that leaves my next widest at 28mm .
I'm hoping for a wide lens, under 18mm (bear in mind crop factor) for as cheap as possible, can even be a manual lens (though I know these dont get very wide).
I like the look of sigmas 10-20 , but I don't like the accompanying price tag.

I know I'm trying to dig some gold with a wooden spoon, but I just wanted some ideas - you lot know a heck of a lot more than me!
Doesn't have to specifically be eos fitting, I can buy a mount.

Cheers :)
its the sigma 10-20mm i use and I think it was worth the extra since landscapes are one my main interests
you are going to struggle to find anything wider than 18mm for cheap ...
18mm in old money is very wide, so older lenses wider than 18mm are very wide indeed and therefore fairly expensive
If you want an ultra wide you will need to buy a modern lens ... the sigma 10-20 is going to be one of the cheapest options ...
Uch, ill sack that idea off totally then lol. More money needed.. Job needed lol
For what camera? An 18mm is a fisheye on a medium-format camera, super-wide on a full-frame sensor, a normal wide-angle on an APS-C sensor, a wide normal on a m4/3ds sensor and a normal lens on a camera like the Nikon 1 or Sony RX100.
It's just a canon 600d,
But I think we've gathered that anything wider is out of budget right now. Ill just await my student finance pay-in . Though I doubt ill have enough spare to get the sigma 10-22.. :(