I may still be tinkering with this one, but it's getting late and I want to go to bed. Any suggestions welcome, although I may not be able to pick it up again for a couple of days. We're collecting some more rescued chickens tomorrow afternoon and I have a feeling we are going to be busy
Actually - I may have caught something from Pete, but I can't help thinking it would look OK with the top fall cropped away. So almost square then...
(If you crop the top part away I'd want to know where the water is coming from. I know this is completely illogical, since I've no reason to not want the same answer without the crop. Nevertheless, it's what occurs to me when I visualize a square crop on this image.)
Totally agree with Brian. To me, the upper right adds a perspective
and makes the composition work. I think it's wonderful as it is and , if
I did anything to it , it would be to put it in a very nice frame The only
possible niggle I might consider is very slightly darkening the upper right
corner. Really nice work Zooey.