Winter Wonderland.

Rudi Venter

Well-Known Member
I went flying this morning, as I do most Saturdays, this time of the year produces some stunning, if chilly, views from above with ground fog and colored inversion layers higher up.

Here are a few images from this morning.


First light over the dark continent.


Waves of fog forming over low hills. The distinctly yellow inversion layer can be seen just above the horizon.



Heavier fog with the sun higher, using the wing as a sun shield.

Thanks for looking!
Stunning, unusual views not many will get the opportunity to try their hand at this type of photography........!!

Really like these & look forward to seeing more.....!!
These are my favorites o these so far matey
Love the green in the sky in the first one ... I fine green in skys fascinating ... Dunno why...

Out of the last 2 the last 1 is best I think ... Really nice compo with the fog almost in lines pointing toward the tip of the wing and the sun! Really nice matey!
Thanks guys, appreciate the comments!

Pete, all the shots are handheld, often I shoot without looking through the view finder, just aiming and hoping because you are strapped in and it is not easy to move around. With practice the keeper rate is not too bad! When shooting air to air shots of other planes, and flying the plane, it can get quite hectic.......

Currently I am using a Canon 1DSmk2 with a 24-105 L IS lens for these photos, the camera lives with the rest of my flying kit so I cannot forget it! I have used other, more compact, bodies and lenses but I find the fantastic AF of the 1 series body combined with the great FF sensor in this body works well. The IS in the lens helps with movement and vibration.
Love the softness in the cloud in #1, very atmospheric.

Those colours are crazy - did it really look like that?
Love the softness in the cloud in #1, very atmospheric.

Those colours are crazy - did it really look like that?

Thanks Chris!

Yes, this was actually one of those cases where a camera could not really capture the splendor, if anything the colors were even better in the fist shot. It was still quite dark so I ended up shooting at high ISO (1600) to get the shutter speed up. On the other images it was quite bright so I dropped the ISO back to 200.

Other than the RAW to JPG conversion, using C1Pro set to defaults, no PP were done on any of the images.
Hamish, I've just realised, all of us Nikon users are obviously dead and have been cast into hell for our sins and are being forced to share a forum with users of Canons (and be polite to them too)!! And you think you're off on holiday!! I fear the worst!! :)
Hamish, I've just realised, all of us Nikon users are obviously dead and have been cast into hell for our sins and are being forced to share a forum with users of Canons (and be polite to them too)!! And you think you're off on holiday!! I fear the worst!! :)


Haha, you think sharing a forum with the "other side" is hell? You must see me before a shoot...

Canon? Nikon? Canon? Nikon?, what to choose!!!! Ahww heck, where's my Sony point and shoot, can't take this anymore!!!!:):)
It must be hard life with all that kit to choose from ... I bet you have the same issue deciding which of your planes to fly ;)
All good photos but #1 keeps drawing me back. I love the simplicity of it, and it's like a glowing abstract.

Also got curious about inversion layers and had to look them up ;)). Didn’t know they could refract radio waves, reflect sounds and shock waves, or that they cause Fata Morgana. Fascinating phenomena :)
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