Winter Wonderland

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
It's that time of the year again when they turn a large section of Hyde Park into torture spectacles. The weather was nice today so we went to check it out with my friend's young family.

And I took some pictures in the process.

#1, this is the picture of the day for me. My friend's 4 year old calmly walking towards the arena with his mum.



#4, who in the right mind would... This picture is the right way up, by the way.

#5, a kid got excited amongst the chaos.


#7, people making the most of the rare good weather.

#8, on the way to Hyde Park, caught this ray of sun at 11am!

Taken with my old 30D + Sigma 55-200mm.

Thanks for viewing :).

again if we have to choose , 1,2 and 8 are outstanding for totally different reasons ... excellent
I like #1 almost has a 1950's feel to it for some reason...

#2 and #3 have to be my favourites though for capturing the feel on the funfair.
Thanks Davie and Adrian :).

The atmosphere was great, amongst all the activities, we were almost given a free reign to take pictures of people and kids, something I am not totally comfortable in doing usually.
1 is frickin awesome with that backdrop and the silhouette style, really love what you have captured here. Not to sure about blur showing moment of rides personally. 7 is also very good, lazing around it a bit of mid November sun :-) love the shadows appearing on the deck chairs and the people busy in the background.

Great set of images events like this make for great photography don't they

#1 has a very '50s feel. Cold, gray, overcoats, colorless. Very nice. I like #2 a lot also, with its kaliedascopic colors in motion and that pair of yellowish boots seemingly frozen in mid air. Very good, Jim.
I am glad #1 seems to be going down well, I love it a lot, too. I knew I had something special as soon as I saw the scene (before pressing the shutter) :).

Pete, did you mean square crop on #7?
What a fantastic set Jim. Especially number one.... Wow!!
#1 is the sort of shot you hope for each day you go out, but rarely achieve - nice one!

#2 I love - the movement and the colour.

#8 - Now that's a nice shaft of light - you know that would make a killer B&W right?
your a really natural photographer Jim!
Really great shots
The 1st is indeed a beauty!
And Chris has doen exactly what i would have done to the last one!
great set!