Critique Welcomed Woman Reading In Front Of The Isthmus As The Sun Sets Behind It

Brian Moore

That's Catalina Island on the horizon, and the reading woman blocks the view of a well-known geological feature of the island, the isthmus.

Olympus XA3 and Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 1600 and processed in Rodinal.

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That must be a hot read! ;)

What a fantastic title and what a fantastic shot to go with it! Oil drums, lifeguard hut (/ lander module), firming fireball - it has it all. But why would you stand on the beach and read? :)
Thanks, Pete. Perhaps she is a religious zealot reading the Bible? Or maybe it is 50 Shades of Gray she is reading?
Looks like she has a mini Sun in her hands - lovely comp Brian