Worcester Tech College

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I love this building ... Ironically, whilst I was being "educated" there I didn't like it at all. Its just so imposing, and is sat slap between two of Worcester's oldest and bigest architectural landmarks, the cathedral and the "Glovers Needle".

Worcester Tech by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Worcester Tech by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Despite having this gear for a while now, its the first time ive been out with it...
Taken with my Nex, tamron 17mm sp and a shift adapter - http://www.realphotographersforum.c...hift-adapter-nikon-lens-sony-nex-e-mount.html
Nice one H!

The Worcester tech is not the most appealing of buildings but you'veade a brill job of showing it off really. High five the Woo crew! :)
I like the way you've done the correction on it.... A bit strange to see it vertically straight being so close to the building, but I think you've pulled it off. :)
Cheers Dan :) I didn't think I was going to get it all in ... It's amazing how close you can get with 26ish mm and a crap load of shifting!
Nice Hamish, Worcester Tech, had many a critic but its stand testimony to the architect that realised that boxes last and do the job. I rememebr the comments about the cladding being TOO BRIGHT nad the follow up look again in a few years and you will not notice it and in fact despite it's ugliness it is as much a part of Wuzza as the cathedral and the needle as will in time the Hive become.

You done good with your shiftithing, particularly like the last one. some movement in there :)
Touch of the Darren B's Hamish - very nice
Nice Hamish, Worcester Tech, had many a critic but its stand testimony to the architect that realised that boxes last and do the job. I rememebr the comments about the cladding being TOO BRIGHT nad the follow up look again in a few years and you will not notice it and in fact despite it's ugliness it is as much a part of Wuzza as the cathedral and the needle as will in time the Hive become.

You done good with your shiftithing, particularly like the last one. some movement in there :)

I can imagine when it was clean it would have been bright ... But it certainty isn't now is it?! It just has character! Certainly more than the other college buildings, which by comparison have very little!

cool perspective, love the shift effect.

Thanks Beth

Touch of the Darren B's Hamish - very nice

Its hard to avoid and difficult to achieve in equal measures ... I wanted a straight on shot - that would have probably looked even more Darren like ... But there was a car in my way!
I was actually a little concerned that the PP looked like Darren's too, but even if it does, I can't really be anything but pleased ... I love his photos and if I can take shots that are an even close resemblance then I am happy about that ... And I'd like to think he would take any attempt at imitation as a compliment - even though, I should add, I'm not trying to imitate him, just be good at architectural photography ... And in that, I suppose imitating him is somewhat unavoidable ... If you follow?? :)
I bloody know you would ... That was why I was so disappointed when I was there that I couldn't get one.
There is an elegance in straight on shots that these sorts of shots dont capture I think... conversely these sorts have a greater level of pictorial impact that the straight on ones dont. I guess it is what ever is fit for the job in hand, or indeed the "feeling" of the building that you are trying to portray in the shot.
This is actually something I have been increasing my awareness of through doing some photography for a brand... It really is fascinating how a tiny change in angle can express such different emotional reaction in the viewer
Well, I'd say you did a very nice job at capturing the mood of the place. You're right that a simple angle change can completely change the aspect. Most people are not sensitive to that when taking photos, even if they can feel it when they see the photos.
I actually find it a little easier to do with a live view screen than through a viewfinder ... A bit cheaty I suppose ... But then I don't suppose I'd think it was cheaty if it was an image on ground glass ... :)

As for being aware of that sort f thing outside of a camera ... Dunno ... I only have what I think about a building - how imposing it is, or relevant to its surroundings ... Simple things that are obvious to someone with no understanding or background interest in architecture. I imagine having experience and an understanding of the subject improves your chances of capturing the building in some sort of more relevant way?
Well, I really come at architectural photography as a lover of architecture, first. The photography part is incidental for me. Although I do have experience as a trained photographer from my days in high school and college, I really hadn't touched a camera at all for about ten years before I picked one up again - a DSLR this time. And that was only because of my desire to capture what I liked about architecture. I pretty much had to relearn everything. It's certainly possible to be a successful architectural photographer without that deep understanding of architecture, but I think it helps. As long as you love the subject you're shooting, that's the most important thing.
I think Live View has changed my photography (for the better) Hamish - and now I'm using the Blad, I can see that this is the way composition should be.

It makes everything so much easier - given that you have the time to work in this way

I used to be a 'snob' about people using rear screens for taking hand-held shots - but that's changed as well, and I often use the rear screen on the X100 and X-Pro1 in this way.

I've come to realize it has many advantages, and I've managed to figure out how to still keep the camera steady when it's out in front like that.

I miss it when I shoot film! :D
I always compose and shoot in live view when doing serious architecture work. I suppose it's the modern equivalent of ground glass. It really helps to nail the focus, since I'm always doing that manually, anyway. But I've never tried that hand-held. I guess I'm worried that it's not stable enough.
A really nice set H. I presume this was 60s or 70s? Oddly I find they do have a sort of charm about them maybe because they were already around when I was born.

haha, yeah, before my time I think ... I still like it! :)

I think Live View has changed my photography (for the better) Hamish - and now I'm using the Blad, I can see that this is the way composition should be.

It makes everything so much easier - given that you have the time to work in this way

I used to be a 'snob' about people using rear screens for taking hand-held shots - but that's changed as well, and I often use the rear screen on the X100 and X-Pro1 in this way.

I've come to realize it has many advantages, and I've managed to figure out how to still keep the camera steady when it's out in front like that.

I miss it when I shoot film! :D

I still put my Sony nex and rx100 up to my eye ... And often held the ricoh up in front of me, as I do with most film cameras once in a while
Its not the shakes I have trouble with, it's the straightness. I find that I I'm shooting hand held an SLR will give me the most level photos. It's almost muscle memory I think ... But yeah, there are compositional advantages to 'live view' ...

I always compose and shoot in live view when doing serious architecture work. I suppose it's the modern equivalent of ground glass. It really helps to nail the focus, since I'm always doing that manually, anyway. But I've never tried that hand-held. I guess I'm worried that it's not stable enough.

... And I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses it in this way :)
Nice set Hamish and an interesting discussion. Ground glass, VF, screen, live-view - I'm happy to use them all. For technical / work stuff it helps for focus etc. For some of the personal shots I guess the degree of impact it has varies. Some shots are in my head (and the camera simply records them) and others are 'discovered' either through the viewfinder etc or later.