World Pinhole Day

I sort of cheated. I didn't build my own pinhole camera. Nor did I make my own pinhole "lens". I bought a Holga pinhole lens cover on Amazon and put it on my dslr. In the end, I still recorded an image using a pinhole instead of a lens.

These two hats have seen some interesting times. If only they could talk...

Well, one shot worked! And one was lost due to the supposed refurbished New55 holder - why I gave it another go I don't know (it's going back :mad:)!

2 second exposure f/300 ish, film rated at ISO 200. This is from the scanned negative (the positive was a bit too thin) and exposure / clarity adjusted in LR. Frame and splodges etc courtesy of New55!

Pinhole 2016-4.jpg
Still, it has a certain something which is attractive. Pity the others didn't work out. I haven't got around to sending mine off yet, but I'd better do it today or tomorrow. I fear there might not even be one shot in the can, so to speak.

That's a nice composition, with the T-junction foreground. Is that your croquet lawn on the left? :)
Ah, at the mother-in-law's hoose. What does the somewhat schizophrenic garden tell us about her? ;) One side is minimal, the other site fecund, though carefully cultivated. Your married her daughter - beware! :D Only kidding!! She's doubtless a wonderful woman.
Love that view. Does the black border have to do with the New55 film or is it something applied in LR?