X-t1 Wireless Remote Control

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
This is a feature that's new to me - I've not had this on any camera to date, and to be fair I initially though it was a bit of a gimmick.

But I gave it a spin this morning, and I think it's got a solid application or three.

OMFG!! Look at the advancement of technology these days!!
This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Canon did a wifi grip for the 5Dii, but it was $900 just by itself!

So I never tried it - quite glad really :D
Right now maybe a remote control is the answer Chris, I still have problems with my boss. I do not understand her anymore, I'll probably shall have to sell one of my x- e1 for quite a sum.
Right now maybe a remote control is the answer Chris, I still have problems with my boss. I do not understand her anymore, I'll probably shall have to sell one of my x- e1 for quite a sum.

Some Viking you are ... :rolleyes:
My wife's a Viking too. More colourful and with spunk. The old Vikings didn't have much say as history goes. The women always had the last word domestically. Maybe I shall stick to my x-e1, sulk a little and be satisfied with what I consider has become an ikon. There isn't that much difference after the update on firmware as I don't do sports anymore. ( Just trying to convince myself of my happiness with the rangefinders ). Cheerio friends.
Mmmm, sounds like you might had ego wait for the X200 then :(