X100 :-)

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
Gave in to the calling of the X100. I have been avoiding it for a while, but the resistance turned out to be futile... Here are some results. :-)




It's a pleasant camera to use, with excellent image quality, but with its quirks and bugs, I don't think it will ever replace my 5D2. Havng said that, it's a very nice complement for street photography or trips where photography isn't the main aim.
That'll be 4 members here with x100's soon then!
I'm thinking about starting a little x100 users corner ... Only the cool people with x100's will be allowed to post there ;)
The third shot is especially nice, good work!

It's not a camera without problems or limitations. But it has a certain kind of charm that I just can't help loving it :-)
I've read the dpreview word for word, I'm well aware of it's issues ... Yet I still want one ... Fuji have done a bit of an apple on us here .. Made a product that is highly desirable just on looks and it's tactile nature
Apart from anything, I've seen the photos it takes, and really that's what matters ... It might have weird foibles and limitations .. But part of the fun will be working with them ... The end product, ie the photo, is what matters .. It does that well, so who gives an f if it's a bit odd to use
Kim, that third shot is especially good - very nice B&W treatment, and a wonderful sky
Thanks Hamish, Chris, I am glad that I was able to capture an everyday ordinary scene and somehow made it look special :-)

With X100, of the few surprises include: focusing on close subjects only works in EVF, very very slow write speed and OVF is not aligned to the actual view (not an actual issue, I didn't expect this as I've never used a range finder camera before...).

I shoot in RAW, so the write speed can be quite slow. But the design of this camera doesn't encourge rapid operations and I don't use it as such anyway (I have the 5D2 for that purpose), so I don't find the speed that much a show stopper personally.

I didn't have a problem with menu organisation, I was able to find everything I was looking for. I love the clarity of OVF view (somehow looks clearer than 5D2?). The camera gets better and easlier to use once I understand how it meant to work.

Not a user friendly camera, but it has potential to deliver great images once you've done some homework :-)
It was always going to be a slow camera ...
Anyone who has ever used any of the S Pro series will tell you that patience is a prerequisite!
I wonder if it's cost saving, or if they do it on purpose to slow the process of taking photos ... Probably the former, but I like to think the latter!
I hear the Leica M9 slows you down...

You have to save for 10 years before you can even buy one! ;)
And then wait 9 months for it to arrive (or at least I did)!

That's dedication Pete - but I assume it was worth the time and money?
Absolutely! From first order at Robert White to actually receiving the camera was about nine months (and I'd paid in full to move up the list 4 months before it arrived!!). I believe demand is still out-stripping supply and Leica refuse to try to speed things up - I doubt they can as they are assembled by hand by highly trained and very experience technicians (it's the way they've always done and it has served them well).

As to using it, it's a Leica! What else can I say. It handles just like every Leica. It just happens to record the image digitally.

Manual focus using the incredibly bright and accurate range-finder, choice of full manual or aperture-priority exposure only, virtually zero lag on the shutter-release (from press to capture it is faster than any DSLR), very simple menus (there simply are no features!). Interesting exposure meter (area used varies with the gocal length of the lens fitted). Very quiet shutter (but annoying electrical recock - why not make it manual like the Epson - but at least you can delay it). Good resolution (at 18MP) and 'full-frame'. Noisy at high ISO (800) but quite film-like especially when converted to B&W. Takes all Leica M-mount lenses and all screw thread with an adapter. Built like a tank from solid metal. As I said, a Leica (through and through)!!
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