Yoga Swami

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

When you think of yoga, you think of relaxation, peace and calm - not of ignorance, hatred and conflict.

But here in Encinitas CA, it's become a hot topic - ENCINITAS: Parents upset about school yoga program : Encinitas


ENCINITAS: Parents upset about school yoga program

A group of parents complained Tuesday to Encinitas Union School District trustees about a new yoga program, calling it religious indoctrination.

District officials said there is no religion involved. Still, the school board said it would look more closely at the program and revisit it at a future meeting.

District officials have started the program at half of the schools over the last couple of months with a $533,000 grant from the Jois Foundation, an Encinitas-based group that promotes Ashtanga Yoga. The plan is to start it at the district's other schools in January.

Seven district parents and a lawyer spoke to the board Tuesday, saying they thought the program pushed Hinduism on children and violated religious freedom.

"Yoga practices and poses are not merely exercise; they're religious practices," said Marsha Qualls, who has a student at Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School, calling the techniques "a kind of prayer."

Some of the parents said they have already asked to have their children removed from the classes.

"I will not allow my children to be indoctrinated by this Hindu religious program," said Andy Vick, who has three daughters at Mission Estancia. "Because of this, you're forcing me to segregate my children."

Vick said some of the children who are pulled from the yoga classes are ostracized and bullied, comparing the situation to Nazi Germany.

There are no religious aspects to the lessons, which were put together by educators with the district, said Assistant Superintendent David Miyashiro.

"We strip it of anything that seems remotely religious," he said.

The trustees said they wanted to find out more about the program and the parents' concerns.

"I thought the parents brought up a lot of good points," Trustee Maureen Muir said.

Trustee Carol Skiljan said she has done yoga for years and has never encountered any religious teaching through it.

The yoga lessons are part of a bigger push to encourage students to keep active and eat healthy meals, Miyashiro said.

Students in all grades get the classes twice a week for 30 minutes at a time.

Researchers with the University of San Diego will study the program to monitor its effects on students.

The effort started last year with a pilot program at Capri Elementary School.

I am just stunned that I live in a supposedly civilized society, with educated people, and yet I hear stuff like this!

I'm just at a loss to know what to say to such people - their world must be a dark and scary place...

Very sad :(
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Seven district parents and a lawyer spoke to the board Tuesday, saying they thought the program pushed Hinduism on children and violated religious freedom.

"Yoga practices and poses are not merely exercise; they're religious practices," said Marsha Qualls, who has a student at Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School, calling the techniques "a kind of prayer."

Even if true, how is this violating religious freedom? Anyway,...religious intolerance aside, nice shots Chris.
Thanks Brian - no idea WTF they are on about, world is full of PC madness these days
I wonder if it ever crossed some parents minds that closing their children off to the wonders of worlds cultures is initself a form of indoctrination which can lead to a child's spirit being curbed which can then turn into depression.
Furthermore build hatred prejudice inside the child.

I think many parents are unaware they are the cause of much of their child's misery.
have some of these parents considered getting a hobby? i'd suggest knitting or woodcraft. maybe they should try yoga, i hear it's good at clearing your mind and relieving stress.

nice photos, i like the contrast between the swirly painting and rough texture of the wood behind it.
Thanks everyone - Figured I'd better record the artwork before it got removed or defaced by the religious thought police! :(

There's probably something else behind this, maybe a particular parent with an axe to grind - I'll keep an eye on the local news and see if they can dig out the real story.