You still want to be a wedding photographer?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Man Sues Wedding Photographer, Demands $52,000 To Recreate The Event

From the Popular Photography / NY Times:

Of all the many things that make up a wedding, few are more important than the photographs.

Long after the last of the cake has grown stale and the tossed bouquet has wilted, the photos endure, stirring memories and providing vivid proof that the day of one’s dreams took place.

So it is not particularly surprising that one groom, disappointed with his wedding photos, decided to sue. The photographers had missed the last dance and the bouquet toss, the groom, Todd J. Remis of Manhattan, said.

But what is striking, said the studio that took the pictures, is that Mr. Remis’s wedding took place in 2003 and he waited six years to sue. And not only has Mr. Remis demanded to be repaid the $4,100 cost of the photography, he also wants $48,000 to recreate the entire wedding and fly the principals to New York so the celebration can be re-shot by another photographer.


Re-enacting the wedding may pose a particular challenge, the studio pointed out, because the couple divorced and the bride is believed to have moved back to her native Latvia. :D :D :D
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Well now!. This chap should be sent to jail for a while, with his "lawyer" to keep him company! I never read such nonsense. I'm just an amateur photographer but I've done occasional weddings on an off for about 33 years, only for friends and relatives. I never shoot the dancing or the bouquet being thrown. Professional photographers here are gone at the start of the meal (Ireland). The object of the exercise as far as I'm concerned is, in order of priorities
1. You absolutely MUST get SOME pictures.
2. You absolutely MUST get at least ONE great one of bride.
3. Get shots of both families.
4. Try to get shots of everyone at the wedding.

I shot the wedding of one of my daughter's best friends exactly a month ago.

Haha, Hi Gary, welcome to the forum
It's not essential really, but of you find the time, pop into the welcome section and say hi to the forum :)

I completely agree with your comments ... I do weddings, and your right, you get the shots you get, as long as you get MOST of the important moments your doing good! You can't e everywhere and get everything ... Somtimes you do, sometimes you don't ... And that's te end of it really!

This guy is having a laugh, my guess is he wants his ex wife back and is trying to state the wedding to remind her she loves him! It would seem obvious why she left him though ... I think he might be a bit of a nutter! There's no excuse for his lawyer though, but ten when did they need excuses??

Nice shots btw! :)
Hey Chris, when i click the link i am asked to log in?

Looks like the NY Times have some sort of link blocking thing in place!

I've now linked to Popular Photography which tells the same story and then links to the NY Times, and that works!