Recent content by Mike Lewis

  1. M

    Subdued 'Fire' (autumn theme)

    Thanks for the Feedback Thanks everyone for the comments, it is much appreciated :) ML
  2. M

    Subdued 'Fire' (autumn theme)

    A quick afternoon drive to a state park about an hour away 2 weeks ago here in Colorado. Hit the trees about at their peak, and lots to see, but got there a little late and lost the direct sun pretty quickly. But this one grove of very orange aspens that we saw as we headed out of the park were...
  3. M

    More From Greece...

    Pete, Thanks for the comments! You may have a point about the WB on #3 - I'll have to look at it again. it is easy when doing HDR to get so caught up in the rest of the issues involved with producing a shot that like that sometimes something like basic white balance can get tweaked...
  4. M

    More From Greece...

    Chris, I agree about HDR. I always feel like I should mention that I used the technique; but I always love it if someone remarks later that 'I wouldn't have even realized that was an HDR image if you had not mentioned it' - that to me, is what I am after when I use the technique. Let me...
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    More From Greece...

    Chris, I am just using Photomatix 4 - easy to drive and not too pricey. I certainly don't always achieve the results I like, but I think that is more about the photographer than the software. And while Photomatix is very capable of producing the 'more obvious' style HDR manipulated look that...
  6. M

    Cloud over Seaton

    Like the shot; find myself wanting to see a bigger version, which is obviously a good thing :) The cloud formation looming above really helps balance out the countryside detail below. Nicely captured! ML
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    More From Greece...

    Sorted out some more favorites from our recent Greece trip: 1) One of the famous Mykonos windmills, miraculously without people swarming all over it: 2) A shot along the rugged edge of the caldera on Santorini: 3) A blue door that caught my fancy, the large dynamic range between...
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    Namib storm

    Rudi, I apologize for having missed this one; what a wonderful image and a unique capture! I want to get to Africa someday, it is shots like this that explain why. Wonderful colors, great composition, and obviously impeccable timing too :) ML
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    Back From Greece...

    Chris, LOL - yes, we appear to have the ability to de-stabilize any government just be planning a vacation there - pretty disconcerting. rest easy though as after absorbing the cost of this 2 week trip with all 4 of us, I don't expect to be able to go anywhere next year :) ML
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    Back From Greece...

    Thanks! Thanks for all the nice replies! It was a fun trip for sure, but as someone alluded to, things were a bit nervous politically while we were there. However things could have been even worse as the trip was originally booked to start in Egypt and then on to Greece. Obviously, that part...
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    Back From Greece...

    ...and getting some of my favorite shots sorted out. Was a good trip, and especially with regard to sunsets, as well as other scenic shots. Here is one of the last ones first, a shot off the hotel balcony in Rhodes, looking out to sea for a really fabulous sunset, as evidenced by the fact that...
  12. M

    A couple more Wellington pics

    Hmmm. I personally thing the wind farm pic is wowser - I like the foreground being dark in this shot as I think the silhouette treatment of the windmills is very effective and I don't think that would look natural with a lighter foreground. Additionally, the dark foreground is a perfect start to...
  13. M

    South St. Vrain Creek Closeup

    Paul, Thanks for the comment! I have been trying to work on my compositional skills and I think they are showing a little improvement. The trick now is finding the optimal pleasing composition in a shot while shooting instead of having to uncover it in post processing. I left too many...
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    South St. Vrain Creek Closeup

    Thanks Hamish! ML
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    Worcestershire Sun Rise

    Bryan, Wow, your colors are scarcely to be believed they are so impressive! Nice job of being in the right place at the right time and WITH your gear as well :) Were you out for the purpose of shooting or did you just catch this by happenstance? ML