Back From Greece...

Mike Lewis

Active Member
...and getting some of my favorite shots sorted out. Was a good trip, and especially with regard to sunsets, as well as other scenic shots. Here is one of the last ones first, a shot off the hotel balcony in Rhodes, looking out to sea for a really fabulous sunset, as evidenced by the fact that these are close to unretouched colors :)


Comments welcome :)
i really like shots like this where the mountains get more faint as they are further away and then almost become part of the clouds, it adds to the serenity of the image

I have a couple from the dominican republic that have a similar effect and for some reason tehy are the shots that make me most nostalgic for the holiday!
some awesome colours in that sky & great silhouette of the mountains in the distance.........Awesome shot mate.
Beautiful warm colours, makes we want to go on holiday.

Never been to Rhodes.
I was thinking the shots would be of people running from tear gas!

Glad to see the beauty of the place won through - those colours are amazing, especially the purples in the mountains.

I'm convinced that the best sunset shots happen after the sun has set - those 20 mins of civil twilight are pure magic, and you had some great clouds to really make the shot.

Thanks for all the nice replies! It was a fun trip for sure, but as someone alluded to, things were a bit nervous politically while we were there. However things could have been even worse as the trip was originally booked to start in Egypt and then on to Greece. Obviously, that part had to be rescheduled :) At one point it started to seem like the Greece portion might be too risky as well but we were able to get it in. I think spending most of our time away from the mainland helped quite a bit.

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I'll be posting a few more soon.

Mike - can you tell us all where you're planning to go next year - that way we can avoid some areas of major conflict! ;)

LOL - yes, we appear to have the ability to de-stabilize any government just be planning a vacation there - pretty disconcerting. rest easy though as after absorbing the cost of this 2 week trip with all 4 of us, I don't expect to be able to go anywhere next year :)

Book to come here Mike, it's about time we had a revolution ... The government needs outing and the population need a slap round the face!