One of the more striking butterflies in the exhibit is the Blue Morpho butterfly. With its wings closed, it is not eye catching, but with the wing open, it displays its colors. It is found mostly in South America, Mexico, and Central America.
This (Carolina Green Anole) critter (and a few others) have perfect residence - no predators, and all the butterflies you can eat. This guy had just finished eating a butterfly that was part of a butterfly exhibit (butterflies from the tropics). I missed the action, and this shot is after the...
Spring is trying to make it way into my area. The daffodils are the early birds, and this anemone is right behind. I dusted off the camera gear (and figured out Photoshop again) to get ready for the spring and what it might bring.
Key West seems to have a lot of great sunsets (great location). Taking a sunset cruise is a thriving business there. I shot this from the cruise ship (we made a half day stop). I waited until the boat crossed into the sun
This one (female, I believe) was sunning herself on the garden hose. Notice that somewhere along the line she lost a toe, that is in the process of growing back.
A few more images of the Carolina Green Anloe lizards inhabiting my backyard
Stepping on his dewlap - just hate when that happens
FYI, a few more located on my web site, some showing a little "lizard love"
The lizards are going out from their winter hibernation (or maybe they migrated south for the winter). Last week I saw one shedding its skin (maybe it is this one??). I grabbed my camera and the macro lens to see if I could catch a few images.
Yesterday (20 Jan 2019) we had a lunar eclipse visible in my area. So I set up my camera and biggest lens with a 1.4X and 2X to give me 1120mm of focal length. The camera ISO was set to 1600, and 0.5 seconds exposure (I did have to boost the exposure in post by 2.5 stops).
Later I'll...
Der Hase (The Hare). A bronze status (public works/art in Nuremberg, Germany) by Jürgen Goertz honoring Albrecht Dürer (a painter in Nuremberg, Germany 1471 - 1528)
A closer look at the crazed eye