A 12th century church in Freising, Germany (near Munich) - St. Maria and St. Korninian. from the outside you would have no clue to the ornate decor inside
Sailing on the Chiemsee
Getting closer
The skipper passed safely to our aft (just very close). I guess they were trying to beat the stormy weather that was quickly moving in (we were too).
Obersee is a natural lake that is only accessible by foot, and that is after a boat ride on Konigssee. Both lakes are located in the base of the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Germany. The images below are multiple frames stitched together (shot with polarizing filter to cut the water...
The Danube (or Donau) is Europe's second longest river (1,727 miles), flowing through ten countries; starting in Germany (at the confluence of the Brigach and Breg rivers; near the town of Donaueschingen) and empties out into the Black Sea. Regensburg lies on the Danube (medieval city center is...
Stocks (looks like the original) from the Eyam Village. According the the info sign in the village, this where the "Plague" had its first victim (in 1665)
Well, ok, a small creek runs through it - just does not feel the same. A small alpine creek (Switzerland) that is heading toward the head of a waterfall
These Nigella flowers start off as a blue bud. When they open, they start out as white flowers, and then turn blue over a couple of days. The white flower opened this morning, and the blue one opened yesterday (maybe the day before that)
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A couple of wildflowers from my backyard. The Nigella is from the earlier thread, the orange flower I do not have the name of at this time (I knew it at one point, but I need to go back and find the name)
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Blue Nigella (AKA Love-In-A-Mist or Devil-In-A-Bush). I believe that I received the seeds several years ago. I planted some of the seeds and it must have taken a couple of years for them to germinate and sprout. But the flower is a very eye catching color
Wulai is a mountainous district south of Taipei, Taiwan. The river Nanshi runs through the valley. There are also several hot springs in the area. This is the main Wulai waterfall.
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The Giant Panda gets all the press and publicity, and the poor Red Panda is rarely mentioned. It is much smaller than its better known cousin - it is about the size of a fox.
Sunset. Yes, that is an observatory / telescope on top of the building below the sun. I do not know why it is there, but with the heavy smog around most days I doubt that it gets much use.
Once the sun goes down, the lights turn on. Shanghai buildings like to show off at night (and...