
  1. John Holland

    Perigeee Moon (aka "Super Moon")

    Two moon photos - one at moon rise and one at moon set (the following morning) 1120mm, f/18 (moon rise) f/11 (moon set), 1/160 second, ISO 400
  2. John Holland


    I spotted this anole trying to be inconspicuous (and catch a little sun) while visiting the Dallas Arboretum 180mm, f/16, 1/200 second, flash
  3. John Holland

    Kew Garden Flowers

    Unknown yellow flower Rock Rose
  4. John Holland

    Don't Mess With ...

    Canadian Goose "Bear Tree"
  5. John Holland

    Leuven, Belgium

    Leuven is a college town outside of Brussels (and is the home to Stella Artois Brewing). It also has some interesting architecture The Town Hall A street for the Mary Poppins Convention
  6. John Holland

    Orb Weaver

    A Orb Weaver. This one was up in the arbor roofing, so I had to climb a ladder to get close enough. It "sleeps" most of the day and does its hunting at night. I am enjoying the high ISO performance of this camera. ISO 3200, f/5.6, 1/125 second, 180mm ISO 10000, f/8, 1/320 second, 180mm
  7. John Holland

    Gray Hairstreak Butterfly

  8. John Holland

    One Of "Those Days"

    The giant Antigoon. He guarded a bridge over the river Scheldt (Antwerp, Belgium). To cross the bridge, you had to pay a toll, those that refused to pay, he severed one of their hands and threw it into the river.
  9. John Holland

    Ghent, Belgium

    Gravensteen Castle (Ghent, Belgium) Ghent Canal both images are multi frames, stitched together
  10. John Holland


    A canal in Bruges, Belgium
  11. John Holland

    Climbing The Walls

  12. John Holland


    The Giant Hand of Antwerp - Silvius Brabo (mythical Roman soldier) killed a giant, called Druon Antigoon, who asked money from people who wanted to pass the bridge over the river Scheldt. When they didn't want to or couldn't pay, he cut off their hand and threw it in the river. This legend is...
  13. John Holland


    From the Kew Gardens
  14. John Holland

    Critique Welcomed Water Lily

    A water lily (Kew's Stowaway Blues)
  15. John Holland

    Critique Welcomed Orange!

    Well, not the citrus. Rather it is a bromeliad - looking down into the flower
  16. John Holland

    Dendrobium thyrsiflorum

    OK, that is a tongue twister, and you still are wondering what it is. How about: Pinecone-like Raceme Dendrobium (probably not much better). It is native to the Himalayas and the mountains of northern Indochina. Taken at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
  17. John Holland

    Critique Welcomed Swan

    From Bletchley Park And a B&W conversion
  18. John Holland

    Just for Show Japanese Water Fountain - the story

    During my visit to the UK in May of this year, I spent a few days in London. One of those days my wife and I went to the Kew gardens (Royal Botanic Gardens). As we walked around we came to the Japanese Gardens section. There I saw a nice water fountain with water coming out of a bamboo pipe...
  19. John Holland

    Kew Garden Flowers

    A Rock Rose California Tree Poppy
  20. John Holland

    Just for Show Life's A Beach

    A local Londoner, I am guessing, enjoying the Thames River beach (even has a bottle of wine)