portra 400

  1. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed The Little House on the Prairie

    Ebey's Landing National Historic Reserve. Whidbey Island, Washington. Voigtlander Bessa with Kodak Portra 400 (expired). The Little House on the Prairie by brian moore, on Flickr
  2. Brian Moore

    Good Vibes

    A few years ago I was visiting Balboa Park in San Diego. There was a young lady there selling portraits taken on her Polaroid Land Camera. At $10 a shot I considered the opportunity well-worth it. (Normally I would never agree to have my portrait shot at a tourist attraction, but this young lady...
  3. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Jesus Smells Smoke

    Main Street, Huntington Beach a few years ago. Canon QL17 with Kodak Portra 400 film.
  4. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Two Pictures of San Francisco Bay

    I shot these two images just a few minutes apart. The first looking toward the north. Then later I shot into the sun which was rising in the east. Yashica 635 TLR with Kodak Portra 400 film.
  5. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed On the Main Street of Madrid New Mexico

    It may be the only street; I'm not sure. Yashica 635 and Kodak Portra 160.
  6. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed What Are The Odds?

    Taking the train into Los Angeles I spotted something amazingly interesting going on in the great concrete flood channel we call the L.A. River. I cannot now recall what the amazingly interesting thing was (I snapped this photo about 7 months ago,...just got around to developing my stored up...