15 old photographs that need some serious explaining....

I think Tom you have to remember that the art form was new in many of these and it was common practice to experiment with the odd and bizzarre, a world of make believe in many cases but also a way of expressing oneself either comically or artisically, odd then how things haven't changed that much now................Mmmmm I think we only have to look on the forum for some examples of this odd behaviour :D:D:D:D

BTW this isn't meant to be a seroius reply, I think some of these are really good where did you find them or are they family?? :D
Admit it Tom - you've just being going through your family photo albums :D
See!! This explains my character these days!
All through my childhood I had this subjected to me. I knew there was a photo lying around to finally show everyone!! :D:D:D