Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Delta 400, Konica Hexar, Inverleith Park, Museum of Modern Art, local cemetery, Edinburgh.

I don't think I've used Ilford's Delta 400 before, but I quite like its fresh look compared to my usual XP2.

1. Gate to Inverleith Park:


2. Red balloon:

balloon house.jpg

3. Art Hoose:

ert hoose.jpg

4. Fallen Cross:

Fallen Cross.jpg
This is one of the films I like very much, both on 35 mm as in 120 roll film. Great shots. I like the first one especially, I'm a sucker for such ironwork gates and stuff....
Cheers, Rense. Yes, I'm impressed with the film - once I'd remembered how to scan it!

I'll get some 120 later. I'm out with Medium Format camera at the moment, but with some HP5. And the heavens have opened. Soaked. Managed find a pub with a wood fire. Bliss. Let it rain!
Rain???? You poor Scotsmen! Here, at the edge of the continent we’re enjoying the sun, in our garden, with a glass of white wine...
Well, Hell is more than I deserve, clearly. I can only yearn to be so lucky!

So, in the meantime I'll work my way through four more rolls of the Delta greys.

Who knew there were so many ironwork fanatics in this forum? :)