OK, not real 3D, but that elusive effect you sometimes get when shooting a fast prime wide open into the sun. The results can be pretty interesting, but hard to get consistently (at least for me). Here's my daughter at the park last month:
Wonderful pictures Darren!
I see what you mean about the effect ... I suspect the backlighting is a factor in this.
With the light shining on to her back and the background she is the element in the shade. The combined with the oof background and the fact that she is not touching the floor in either shot combines to give the effect I think!
One way on another, both wonderful captures! Very well timed!
Darren, love em both, the rim lighting that has been caused by the back lighting from the sun just pops your daughter right out, especially love the concentration on her face in the second shot...begs the question...will she thank you in years to come???
I can see a OMG DAD!!! coming your way eventually, daughters are like that, trust me I got three of em and all grown to that age of WTF did you do that for....
Thanks, guys. Yes, I suspect the rim lighting definitely helps with the 3D effect. My daughter is 6, but going on 16. So I'm already at the stage where I embarrass her on a regular basis and know that'll only get worse from here
Wonderful shots and very 3D as you say. They almost look like stills from a movie if you see what I mean. They have a sort of theatrical lighting look and, because of the action implied, have a grabbed frame look. I like that very much.