What a great composition Brian. Another of those shot like a scene from a 1960s movie. Why is there a rolling pin on the grass though - is it a metaphor?
Thanks Rob, Pete and Hamish. It's a wine bottle, Pete. I enjoy a glass of wine and a book. Anyway, Sadie asked that I plant it there as a metaphor for how the canine condition is bottled up, as it were, in the contents of the library and the library represents canine life in a way that is somehow still and static and yet open to us and alive. (Note that the bottle is pointed at the camera--at YOU, as it were. Sadie wanted to leave this clue as a key to unlocking the meaning of the metaphor. She'll be disappointed I had to explain it.)
I had to look twice before I saw the people chatting. I saw the wine bottle first and had deep and profound thoughts about the metaphor and all that stuff. Then I had a drink and came back for a second look .