I really have to make a deliberate effort to get past the instinctive gut feeling I should be shooting landscapes, not
manscapes. That is, to include no man-made things in the image, particularly as a major element. That's a personal thing, not a reflection on any one else. Yes, to my eyes old man-made elements can work in a secondary role landscape-wise, but we have virtually none of that over here in the "new world", particularly not in the deep south. And by "old" I include, e.g., dry stone walls, cottages, castles, etc., not just truly ancient cultural artifacts.
While in general I still prefer natural, sometimes a little artificial can work.

Who knows... maybe that instinct comes from a life spent in an area where nature is generally mundane and any man-made dilution tends to have (even more) significant negative effect ...not much margin for error, so to speak.
But as it turned out, I ended up liking this image more than expected. The leading lines and graphical impact of the pier seems to integrate better than I thought it might.