A few from Ricoh

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I started a thread asking a question whether anyone had used a Ricoh RZ-750 http://www.realphotographersforum.com/film-conventional-cameras/12524-ricoh-rz-750-tawk-me.html

It appears that it's not really a 'known' compact that doesn't win any popularity contests.
Reasons for that are unknown, because after putting couple of rolls through it, I think it's great!!
It's slightly on the chunky side considering its a compact, and I would probably say its not the prettiest snapper I've witnessed. But all in all, it's reliable, possesses a few more flash options than some of my other compacts, and takes very clean, sharp photos.

Of course my subjects are the usual volunteers.

image by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

image by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

image by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
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Thanks folks, really enjoy using this camera now.
My uncle has just given me 17 35mm CSC's that he had stored in his attic for years. most of them were no good.
Severe battery contact corrosion, battery flap missing, back panel lock bust, etc etc.
Nothing special most, if not any of them. But fun they are going to be

The ones that I have cleaned and salvaged are.
Nikon Nuvis A20 (APS film)
Canon AF-7
Ricoh FF-7 (another Ricoh!! :))

Just loaded the Ricoh. Much smaller than the FZ-750 and easier to handle, can't wait for the finishing shots from that.

The Ricoh's side by side
Hahahaha!! My wife had a few things to say when I walked trough the door with a basket rammed with the things.

My unc is a collector of MANY MANY things. His speciality is vintage craftsmen tools, and coins... And the occasional camera.
He is unbelievable.

When we used to live in Germany, he came to visit us by flight.
He spent the week at ours. When we dropped him of at the airport we got back and later that day, I remember us getting a phone call off my Nan to say that they had to pick him up from the airport the other side (Birmingham) and drop him off home. Confused to why he didn't get a cab or a bus with the wod of cash that he had on him (being in his 60's at the time).

We all had out tea that night at the table, and noticed that the fruit bowl on the table was on the skew.... Huh?! What's that under it?!! WHAT?!!!!!! He left us just over a grand under it for a reason we still don't know 15 years later.

He really is, a good man.
Ooohh, I haven't noticed...
I'm out on a night shift at the moment, I shall have a look when I get back. :)
To answer your question Hamish, YES it does!!
Thanks for that, I never noticed it. :)
Cool! What are the modes?

- - - Updated - - -

If one if them is 'ME' that's 'multiple exposure' I'm playing with that feature on an ff9 at the mo :)
Yes, it's got ME, as the Ricoh RZ-750 has also.
The modes look like to the best I can describe.

-Landscape mode
-backlit landscape mode?
-TV mode. I'm assuming something to do with a shutter priority there, what that is set at I don't know, anyone?
-continuous shooting mode, around 1 per second, not bad.
-60 second interval shooting. (How to use a 24 exposure film up in....yup, 24 mins! Lol)
-ME, which is the multiple exposure setting. Now that I'm going to have fun with.

The FF-7 looks almost identical to the FF-9...
What's the difference H? I can't see it......
Interesting that one. TV mode?!
Do you plug it into the TV and displays your piccies?
No, that was just silly, maybe the TV mode changes the channels.... On the TV!! There! Result! :)
I knew it was something like that. Lol