A few snaps in Shoreditch

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
Took my X100 to Liverpool street area this afternoon. After owning it for almost two months, I still find it a slightly more difficult camera to use (comparing to a DSLR).

However, if I get it right, the images it produces are just wonderful :).



That light in #1 is fantastic, and the abstract in #3 is very nice indeed.
Thanks Chris.

After I took #1, I knew I had something that might be nice. #3 took a bit more B/W processing and cropping to turn into something unusual in my eyes.
What a great set!! Defo number one for me, the light is perfect.. :)
It must be the light in number one then, I saw it and thought he's got himself just in the right spot with the low sun at the other end of the street from him. Great Jim, I also like the way the image crops at the top.
Thanks Paul.

X100 is a slow camera (with its slow AF, shutter lags...etc), so I have the habbit of taking multiple of the same shot. The bike happened to enter my frame on the 2nd exposure :D

Being a 35mm equivalent focual length, I usually capture a lot more than I intend. For #1, I have the opportunity to crop out the strong reflection on the building which was almost completely over exposed. I purposely left a bit in the final crop, so the remaining highlighted spot makes a clear originator of the light source :)
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As the others have said you caught the lighting in the first one just right (you must have for me to think the light looks great in that shot, not something I normally think:o).
Very well done.
Yeah, number 1 is a super shot. I actually like that bright bit on the building on the upper right because it seems to provide a sense of consistency with the light falling on the street. That satisfies me for some reason. Very nice indeed, Jim.
I like number 1 too, the light is spot on, but I'd have liked to see the bike closer...

The second shot is my favorite, but I'd love to see the horizon level and a b&w
I love the relationship between the 2 people! The way she has her heels on the pavement ... There is something very interesting going on there!!
Haha, it was actually a hilly street, that why the horizon appears to be unleveled. I suppose I can play with level a bit, but I can't do it too much otherwise the buildings won't be straight.

#2 is in sepia tone, I chose this colour instead of B/W because it lays emphasis on the golden afternoon sun.

Here is a version with a bit of leveling and B/W conversion.

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Nah, no need, only to demonstrate something

IMO, this makes it stronger
Removing the shadow area at the top helps unclutter the image, also I don't think the bike is the subject of the image... So I think it works better cropped half out. The way it is now it just acts to point the eye to the real subject, the people!
Also, cropping out much of the road means that line on the road under the bike has the same effect...
What do you think?


I know I have cropped a bit, I not saying this to take any credit ...
In that format, it's a really superb photo! The timing of the shot is spot on, both in terms of the light and the shadows, and in terms of the relationship between the people you have captured!
The shadow of the bollards helps frame them, and the shadow of the chap on the wall sits perfectly ... Any other time of day, it would be a good photo, in this light, it's spot on!
Hamish, your crop does make the picture stronger. The points about the bike and the road make a lot of sense.

I really welcome your detailed instructions and demonstrations in helping me making my photography better! This is one of my top reasons (as well as seeing great photos from others) that I like so much :).