A Light Summer Shower...

in Stockholm yesterday evening!

One of the first shots with the Ricoh GR. There would have been more but after taking two shots onto a 16GB card it told me I had no more room! After about 10 attempts, while standing sheltering from the rain (having missed getting pictures of the most spectacular downpour I have ever seen), to reformat the card (and this sacrificing the two shots I had taken) it eventually reformatted successfully and I was in action. No idea what the problem was but hopefully it will not occur again (I have since reformatted without a problem).


Ricoh GR. ISO 100, 1.60s at f1:4.0. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX 4.
The colours are nice. The window looks like it is on a boat of sorts, which goes well with the water feature, so to speak. So, the cyclist has a red raincoat, with hood, plus an umbrella in one hand, steering with the other. Respect!
The building/window colors are so IKEA!

Love the pop of red with the cyclist - and the speed blur and rain drops against the darker building
Sounds very frustrating, worth it though!
How are you finding it otherwise ... ? Not much to report??
Did you get a pm from me the other day?
Nice shot, Pete. Colors and movement, as the others have observed, are very nice.

Your experience with the card sounds sooo frustrating. Occasionally, when shooting the 7D, I've had to wait for the cache to clear, thus losing opportunities for images. Very annoying! (Of course, those are the moments I'm blasting away at 8 fps in Raw + JPEG, so I've little to complain about.)
Lovely composition of buildings and action shot with downpour, Pete. :)
Brilliant blue and yellow.