A Little Wander Around The Neighbourhood

Definitely worth bracing yourself against the cold for. No3 is particularly striking. Beautiful light, rendered beautifully.
Cheers, Ralph. I see what you mean. Ortho rules! But better if I don't have to pay for it! I try to do as little rendering as possible with Exposure 7, just tweaking the exposure, sometimes a little haze reduction can make a difference, maybe also the occasional shadow lift if needed.

I have a few rolls of now out of date Ortho in 35mm and Medium Format to get through. Must get my Hexar and Mamiya out of the cupboard...
I bet it is good to get out!

And they think they can trick you in with a simple sign - who said Tigers were cunning?! ;)

That last one shadow is my favourite here. Is the light driving the dark out, or…?

The tigers had me a little on edge, hence the composition could have been more considered!

Dark and Light - no wonder RLS lived close by...