Critique Welcomed A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Nun

Brian Moore

(With apologies to Mr. Joyce.:rolleyes:)

At the Brewery Art Complex on Saturday morning, where I had gone to deliver Meg, my younger daughter, to a dance event, I bumped into an acquaintance and he tells me he thought he had seen what appeared to be a nun wandering about.

Well, a nun is probably one of the last varieties of human being one is likely to see at the Brewery Art Complex. And no nun appeared to me while I was there on Saturday.

I went back on Sunday though and discovered, deep in the bowels of one of the old brewery buildings, a studio inhabited by a nun or, more correctly, an artist dressed as a nun.

A brief chat confirmed she is likely the "nun" my acquaintance had spotted the previous day. A request to allow me to snap her picture produced the result below.

Her name is Christina Ramos. She is quite a character and a great sport! (I've put a link to her website below the picture if you're interested in looking.)

Yashica 635 and Kodak Ektar 100 film.
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Cracking image Brian... the look on the Nun's face is fantastic
Thanks Dave. What's interesting about that look is that when I asked her if she'd let me get her picture she bounded over to where she is and struck that pose. But of course, I'm shooting with an early 1960's TLR and I have to guess at and adjust my shutter speed and my aperture and then, because I have no auto-focus I must focus and of course, because I don't trust my eyes to be telling me the truth I take extra care with the focus and of course the composition is important and everything is backwards in the viewfinder, etc. The upshot of it all is that she struck the pose then realized I am nowhere near ready to snap the picture. So she un-posed and encouraged me to take my time and tell her when I'm ready. Finally I'm ready and when I tell her that she jumped into that pose again. And bystanders are watching all this transpire. What a woman! :D

Thanks again, Dave.:)
Made my evening Brian - love the energy you captured - she look like she has it in spades!