Critique Welcomed A quick snack...

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member
This was taken in a small park in the centre of Bristol, Brandon Hill. A chap was throwing peanuts for the squirrels who had to fight off the pigeons and dodge the small Yorkie that tried to chase them. This one finally found a refuge to finish eating.

image1705_002 by jordin57, on Flickr
Lovely shot!
I am going to pick on the oof though as is tradition ..
Could you smooth out the bokeh a bit do you think?
Really nice shot otherwise, lovely framing and really nice context ... And the fact the little chap/chapess is eating and nut
Feels very natural!
I really like it.

The Squirrel & branch form a nice diagonal of in focus, but do agree a little with Hamish, as I find the OOF bokeh a wee bit distracting & it draws my eye away from the Squirrel.
Nice shot and nice composition. The bokeh doesn't bother me - but I'd like the little fella's head brighter!