Critique Welcomed A rather flooded Piddle Brook......

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
Piddle Brook is a small brook that runs through the fields where I walk, yesterday the brook looked rather pretty with the snow each side and the bare trees, I didn't get anything I really liked from it yesterday so I thought although the snow has gone I'd still go there today and have a look at what the heavy frost could offer..........

Piddle Brook

Flooded Brook by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

The brook runs along the tree line, you can make out the fence the other side............Snow Melt and heavy rain yesterday!!

On my way back the sun had woken up properly and I was caught by the colour cast by along the track

Morning Track by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

Back to the start the Ivy clad trees where my morning photo foray starts and ends..

Ivy Clad by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

Thanks for looking

Kev :)
Thanks Again Rob, this place is fast becoming a favourite haunt for me no two mornings have been the same. I was quite surprised at how fast the brook had come up, shouldn't be really as the ground around here is totally saturated, fast becoming the norm...........our brooks will soon all be classed as rivers I think..:D
First a steaming back passage, now a piddle - what's going on Mr Pugh! :D

Wonderful winter sunrise in #1 - love the reflections of the bare trees

Props for getting up early in cold weather! :)
Like Rob said, that first shot is Splendiferous!