A Special moment...

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Tom probably has some better photos than this but i thought id post it anyway...
Tonight i taught Dan how to dev his own film
this is a shot of him investigating his first roll


We did a couple of rolls of his Hp5 and a roll of my delta 400 in ilfosol
the exciting thing, for me at least, was that the roll that i deved had been sat under my kitchen sink in this house and the last for maybe nearly 3 years awaiting development ... I hadnt realised it had been that long since id done any home deving ... but there we go...
Ive not scanned them yet, but looking at the negs i can see images of my dog piggy when she was only 12 weeks old!

I can really see me getting back into this, and judging by Dans reaction im guessing he might be interested in doing some more him self!

I shall get some shots up if i can find the time to scan them tomorrow afternoon!
Hahaha!!! Face of concentration that I don't see very often......
Thanks for the lesson again :)
That's not Dan! Dan has an elongated head, giant eyeballs and a long anteater-like snout! Show us the real Dan Hamish!
I was so excited after developing my first roll of film hahaha. Ok, well after my third.. the first two came out blank -_- lol. turns out the developer was exhausted.. Dissapointing times when it didn't work :( :D
That's not Dan! Dan has an elongated head, giant eyeballs and a long anteater-like snout! Show us the real Dan Hamish!

Your right there Brian, that's not me..... Hamish, how dare you say that ugly character is me! :)
Dan, you didn't have to wear a mask for the developing lesson. Halloween was weeks ago!!! lol.
That's not Dan! Dan has an elongated head, giant eyeballs and a long anteater-like snout! Show us the real Dan Hamish!

Ot at least post a warning in the title! :D :D :D