Brian Moore
Having removed my first 5 rolls of color film from the developing tank and having hung them to dry, I noticed that two of the five looked different. Turned out I had shot two rolls of Agfa Precisa 100 color slide film and developed them in the C-41 chemistry.
I had picked these films up in a souvenir shop adjacent to Charles Square in Prague. I did not look at the fine print. (But I ask you,...what self-respecting souvenir shop in their right mind would pass off slide film to unsuspecting passers-by? A wholly deceitful practice if you ask me!) Anyway, here is one of the images. Most of them were too badly color shifted or over/under exposed to show without having to do some serious post processing first. (Having assumed the film to be print film, I was rather cavalier about exposure, relying on Sunny 16 and the film's latitude to bring me home something acceptable. I got some of the images right, but not all, and these were the ones that required the most PP.)
This is a view of Wenceslas Square, taken from the steps of the National Museum. The blotchy thing on the sidewalk lower right is a stylized melted looking cross. It is the memorial to Jan Palach, who self-immolated on that spot in 1969 to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Canon F1.

I had picked these films up in a souvenir shop adjacent to Charles Square in Prague. I did not look at the fine print. (But I ask you,...what self-respecting souvenir shop in their right mind would pass off slide film to unsuspecting passers-by? A wholly deceitful practice if you ask me!) Anyway, here is one of the images. Most of them were too badly color shifted or over/under exposed to show without having to do some serious post processing first. (Having assumed the film to be print film, I was rather cavalier about exposure, relying on Sunny 16 and the film's latitude to bring me home something acceptable. I got some of the images right, but not all, and these were the ones that required the most PP.)
This is a view of Wenceslas Square, taken from the steps of the National Museum. The blotchy thing on the sidewalk lower right is a stylized melted looking cross. It is the memorial to Jan Palach, who self-immolated on that spot in 1969 to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Canon F1.