Adam's family home

Peter McCullough

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Headed out today in the gales first time shooting with my WIDE angle Samyang 14mm f/2.8, it's very wide on full-frame 5D, but I like the results!

This was shot only as a j-peg, I used NO editing whatsoever...

Nice! :)

I love the way the ultra wide has pulled the clouds in, making them draw your eye towards the subject.
Yeah, you gotta love the way an ultra wide pulls of the clouds like this!
So is this all in camera Jpeg black and white conversion?
That's quite impressive really eh!?
I only go as wide as 16mm in my kit bag ... For the price of these lenses they are a tempting prospect!!
Yea, I set a slightly higher contrast and I think (from memory) added a yellow tone in-camera, all I done was slightly crop the bottom of the photo, that's it. Shot about f/8 I think...

It's pretty impressive straight from the compact flash card from j-peg.

I paid £200 for the Samyang 14mm lens as it was used/mint/boxed, bargain, they are £260 plus post new. Looking forward to my next wide angle photo session, yeha.
£200 for a lens that wide is really previously unheard of int it really!?

I'll tell you how this photo works ... The clouds have a certain amount of symetry along with the house!...