Amazing what you can get from your phone

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
After watching a very educational Webinar from Topaz today - on their Adjust and B&W filters for Photoshop - I decided to apply my new knowledge to a basic image - so chose one from my iPhone.

It's no 5D2 - but I have to say that the results are amazing for something you would have considered a throw-away camera, just a few years ago.

Here's a toned B&W 16:9 crop - using the adaptive exposure in the Topaz filters, curves, and Tri-X 400 grain.

Brilliant , the technology is so so good now, I love what my iPhone can do and use it alongside my oly .... Superb shot
Webinar was excellent thanks Pete - it was a bit of a pitch for the new version of Adjust (5) - but the examples they worked through really helped me understand the logic behind the tools and the controls.

I guess I should have RTFM - but Webinars are easier! :D
Funking mint!!!!!
I cannot believe you can achieve this excellence in a.... Mobile phone!!!!! :) :)
The boobies!!!!!!
here's some interesting news
HTC will be selling a 1.5Ghz quad-core phone with a 8MP f/2.2 camera :eek:
what's next photoshop on phones? haha
here's some interesting news
HTC will be selling a 1.5Ghz quad-core phone with a 8MP f/2.2 camera :eek:
what's next photoshop on phones? haha

you already get photoshop express for iphone and ipad :)