Amazon Us Has The Fuji 55-200 On Sale (sun 24 Nov)

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
Amazon currently has the Fuji XF 55-200 for $499. It almost seems they are offering the lens at the bundle price by mistake, but I just ordered one - we'll see if it ships.

I was not going to immediately buy this, but at a $200 savings ...

It's only money
Ramen noodles and we already bought the turkey for Thanksgiving. I already have a couple cases of wine, case of beer and a new bottle of 1792 Ridgemont Reserve bourbon. I'm good :eek:
Ramen noodles and we already bought the turkey for Thanksgiving. I already have a couple cases of wine, case of beer and a new bottle of 1792 Ridgemont Reserve bourbon. I'm good :eek:
If nothing else...if they realize they screwed up and don't can drown your sorrows...and stuff your face.
that's a steal - it's well worth that money Keith :)
Same price as used ones from KEH. I'm so far into this thing already, what's another $500? :oops:

I'll keep an eye out for a fire sale on the 60 - could use something for flower work.
Amazon shipped the lens, so the price wasn't a mistake, I guess. Can't wait
Santa can be such a bastard with that damn list ... :mad:
Bribe one of the elves
That works too - both time tested techniques we used regularly in the intel biz. Think outside the box, Rob ;)
The lens arrived - really nice. While almost comically large on the Fuji (especially when zoomed to 200mm), it is not as heavy as I expected. Quiet to focus, and moderate in speed, but seems quite sharp, even at 200mm wide open. Hell of a lens for $500. Significantly extends the utility of the Fuji beyond the typical RF use case, assuming your subject will sit still for a couple seconds (yeah - this pretty much rules out Andee, the atomic kitten).
New toys!

I'll be able to complete the submarine pen on the Fujiama ;)