An E-Book - Scotland by Layby

Davie Hudson

Well-Known Member
This book was developed with a very basic idea, to make it accessible. I can only speak for myself but I was sick looking through landscape photography books that featured pictures that could only be achieved by experienced climbers or people with access to a helicopter and therefore I developed this book to show visitors to my homeland some of the things they could see and photograph without straying too far from their car or tour bus.... I hope I achieved that


I just remembered that I had made this e-book and wondered if anyone would like it ? it is about 48 pages of scottish highland photography... it's a work in progress :)

Any and all points of view are most welcome from the design to the wording to the photographs themselves.

.PDF download
good plan :) ... i'll email it to you when i get home
What a cool idea - interested to see how it looks/works :)
as a .pdf is works pretty much the same as any pdf, however on an iPad it works like a dream and flips pages like an e-book... I had the ipad in mind when I done it
Download added, maybe you could add am image from the pdf to the post?
that way i can make it an article and add it to our downloads section :)
Some corkers in there!
I need to have a proper read as just skimmed through ... but i will tomorrow!
Some really great shots though!

This book was developed with a very basic idea, to make it accessible. I can only speak for myself but I was sick looking through landscape photography books that featured pictures that could only be achieved by experienced climbers or people with access to a helicopter and therefore I developed this book to show visitors to my homeland some of the things they could see and photograph without straying too far from their car or tour bus.... I hope I achieved that

This is the cover shot of the Book, it was taken sitting in layby 76 on the A9 on the way to Inverness.
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Nice one matey, I'll sort this tomorrow!
Great addition to the forum this sort of thing matey, really pleased to have you and this on board!!
Our first e-book download, quite exciting really :)
Nice one matey, I'll sort this tomorrow!
Great addition to the forum this sort of thing matey, really pleased to have you and this on board!!
Our first e-book download, quite exciting really :)

That is very kind of you to say.. thank you, it's been a joy up to now :)
That's a bonnie fotie, Davie! Love the colors and the composition as well.

thanks Brian, I have to admit it is that view that got me into landscape photography, I had a spare day off work so thought i'd take the camera and go for a drive.... i'd been driving for a while and decided to stop for a coffee in layby 76, so i poured the coffee and looked around, directly to my left was the view you see there
Davie - superb work

I reckon you also have a winning calendar there, and a set of postcards to boot - could be quids-in! :)
thank you so much Chris, the nice comments have given something to think about :)
We have a range of merchandise on the horizon...
Callenders was mentioned before (by Daz T I think) ... It is under consideration...
As is selling members self printed books, the door book we planned all those months ago... All in the pipe line...
So very seriously, Davie, if you wanted to self publish this as a book with one of the online self publish websites I would happily sell it for you in our online shop ... (which will be live next week)