Andee, Our New Kitten [update - Remix]

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
11 week old Andee, rescued from local animal control and the only survivor of her litter. Fuji X-E2, 23/1.4 @ f/2, ISO 6400 (this camera is still amazing me). Note our sheets (bottom left corner) :rolleyes:

[UPDATE] Decided to remix the image with a lighter touch. I think this is better (original is on top, new one below)

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I said it wasn't as good as 3200 and below ... and I still think it's not. But it degrades a hell of a lot slower as ISO rises than most anything else I've used, and certainly anything close to being this small.
Thanks, Rob. She is really sweet. She was raised by a foster with bottle feeding because her mother didn't survive, so she is very socialized with humans. She is also pretty spunky - she already has our 55 lb Golden Retriever under control.

On a photography note, I have further validated that trying to take a picture in focus of an 11 week old kitten with either the Fuji or the m43 cameras is 100% dumb luck. She is either on afterburners or asleep. I need the Nikon and flash :(
On a photography note, I have further validated that trying to take a picture in focus of an 11 week old kitten with either the Fuji or the m43 cameras is 100% dumb luck. She is either on afterburners or asleep. I need the Nikon and flash :(

Ohhhhh! She is adorable! I hate to tell you this but it doesn't matter what camera you have, capturing a kitten is nigh on impossible! They are just too fast and crazy :-D
Lesley - she is actually not not that dark. My contrast adjustments make her look a little more just plain tortie and less dilute :)

Thanks. I would have normally cropped up the bottom a bit, but the cat showing on the sheet in the corner was too cool to lose.
Looks like mischief to me Keith - great job on getting her in frame and in focus :)

The Fuji seems to respond well to the 'what the hell, I'll just mash the shutter release' approach - and often surprises me that it instantly grabs focus, and a frame that is actually sharp!
Another shot from this morning - Fuji, ISO 6400, etc

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Andee is doing great - out in general population playing with the big boys. She and Wally are doing lots of silly cat things together.

A couple better shots from this morning (getting the hang of kitten photography with the Fuji). ISO 3200 - this camera is insane. Both 23mm shots, so she is getting used to the lens being right in her face :)

Those are really lovely Keith. I'm getting excited because we collect Bijou tomorrow lunch time :)

Pict's or it didn't happen :cool:

I really feel like deleting the first two - way worse than these latter ones. I'm sure of that is me getting used to the files in post, but I continue to think there is a huge hit in image quality somewhere between ISO 3200 and 6400. It sneaks up on you because the files are so strong at 3200, that you don't expect what happens at 6400.

And the 23/1.4 has the 3D pop like the good stuff.
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She's cute -kinda like Andee except for the white blaze on the neck and feet.

So does she understand English, or do you have to learn Romanian ? ;) (I'm getting the urge to go watch Dracula movies)
I think we'll be working with hand signals at first and maybe Bubu can translate for us. What I don't want is for him to teach her about bed. Gremlin our Devon Rex has been sleeping in bed with me (under the covers), for a good few years. Bubu started a few weeks ago and sometimes I wake up with three of us on my side of the bed. They won't sleep on my husband's side... :D
<this is probably of interest only to Lesley:D>

A quick iPhone video of Andee after we gaffer-taped a CatDancer toy to one of the scratching posts.

Did you get home with Bijou yet?
Nice stuff Keith. (I'm tempted to say you're being catty about the high ISO on that camera:p but I won't because it's too obvious a pun. ;))