Critique Welcomed 'Angry Cabbage'.

Gavin Robert

Well-Known Member

Fabulous Gavin - I love the structure and symmetry, and the B&W treatment really does wonders for the texture.

Did you set this up in a studio, or PP the black backdrop in later?
I'm definitely seeing a distinct style in your work. Very precise with the subjects typically isolated in darkness, and the lighting and tones are perfect.
Thank you for the kind comments even if not strictly a cacti :eek:

Low key is where I'm normally at Darren and I was wondering when it would be picked up on. Out of all the images I've taken people do tend to comment well on my low key work which is my favourite style. I originally thought that I'd be into landscapes but its now the complete opposite.

Thanks Rob. Not sure what you were expecting!

Chris I've attached the original for you. Some images such as this one I find therapeutic whilst post processing. I suppose its the symmetry and having the same work flow to do deal with throughout the image.

BTW, I moved in tight because it was the heart and spiral that I was interested in. I knew some of the outer and older growth would be removed so I wanted to maximize the resolution.

One thing I learnt was to start taking a reflector with me.

Very nice indeed, brilliantly dark