Another Puddle

Julian de'Courcy

Well-Known Member
We have lots of puddles down here. I took a tripod out this time and got very serious about keeping the camera still. It proved to be very educational. Whilst taking my time and looking into the puddle I discovered the huge amount of wildlife living in the puddle. Lots of shrimp like creatures and weeny snails. The ore's that are generally always readily nearby in any spade full of Cornish soil, iron, tin,arsenic and many more all contribute to the variety of colour. It has actually given me an idea which I will try and bring to fruition. That is for the future. I hope I have not posted this before and having a senior moment. Two pics just in case.


Woodland Puddle by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr


PA210102 by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
Indeed they are looking sharp Julian - very nice

Like a fine art print set or a posh magazine spread on the countryside

Are you doing anything to modify the available light - reflectors or anything like that?
Thanks. Chris images like this are not straight out of the camera as you are aware. Obviously the light needs to be interesting. A puddle in the wood has mottled lighting through the leaf canopy. But alas as Paul shrewdly noticed how clean the water looked, it needed to be cleaned up. Most puddles even in the wild have oil from plants, nuts berries and trees and the reflected light is blotchy and blue. I have experimented using a rain brolly for shade and polarizing filters with not a lot of success. It is a cheat at worst and at best local levels,saturation, curves,gamma,channel mixer and colour balance are used. Personally I am not to keen on the outcome but I do find the skills used is good practice for for general photography even if only just to tweak something occasionally, with one of the found methods. As to the lighting in this pic it is enhanced on a local level, no more no less.