Aperture Magazine

Gary R. Smith

Well-Known Member
Some months ago, in an effort to find a print magazine related to photography I came across an advert for Aperture magazine and I subscribed. I received my first magazine today. The magazine is printed on high-quality stock and the front/rear cover is of a thicker, glossy stock. On the back cover is an ad for Hermes (Paris) and inside the front cover is a two-page advertising spread for Gucci. While both of these ads were top notch, in my mind they had nothing to do with photography (other than the fact that an actual paid-photographer was used to shoot them). After scanning the issue I'm afraid I made a terrible mistake as this magazine is unlike any previous photography magazine that I ever encountered. Inside the US subscription price is listed at $75. I hope I didn't pay that for my subscription. Also shown on the page where the subscription info is shown is a Magnum Foundation logo.

I'm curious if any of you guys have tangled with this magazine and if so, your thoughts?
Inside the US subscription price is listed at $75. I hope I didn't pay that for my subscription.
You didn't know the price when you subscribed, Gary? (By the way when I go to their website a pop-up offers me 40% off an anual subscription.)

Well, anyway, I have heard of Aperture and I was under the impression that it was quite a prestigious foundation dealing in serious photographic journalism and quality books/monographs. Does your copy of the magazine seem otherwise?
You didn't know the price when you subscribed, Gary?
I must have back on Feb. 6th but I forgot (so I looked it up). I paid $124 for 8 issues. o_O Cheap at twice the price. I just want to be sure it doesn't auto-renew!!
I must have back on Feb. 6th but I forgot (so I looked it up). I paid $124 for 8 issues. o_O Cheap at twice the price. I just want to be sure it doesn't auto-renew!!
Well in going for two years you've saved yourself a few bucks over the normal subscription price. I hope the mag is good enough to make the cost worth it.
...as well as an older copy of Magnum Magnum.

So, I'll make the assumption that no one currently frequenting RPF is a subscriber (or Magnum member) - is that a safe assumption?
I'm working my way through the Spring 2024 issue (which was apparently done in conjunction with Magnum Photos).

The Spring 2024 issue, contains an article: "Moonsongs for Earth". All of the images shown could have been taken by a 12 year-old with a Kodak Instamatic. Most of them are old. None of them demonstrate anything of interest photographically. I can't believe the project Moonsongs for Earth would be of any interest to anyone outside of Nepal. While I do try to stay abreast of world events and real history (not the history told by the winners) I can't say that I was even aware of the Nepal situation. If this article is representative of the intent of Magnum (I'm not saying that it is) I don't feel that I need to be educated by collections of snapshots from far flung world-wide events of the past.

That said, I've not yet finished my first issue and I have 7 more yet to come...
Interesting. I'm generally a bit of a skeptic with regards to 'high-profile' photographic literature, but don't know much about it either.

While I do try to stay abreast of world events and real history (not the history told by the winners) I can't say that I was even aware of the Nepal situation.
I wonder if in a way this point of criticism could actually be considered praise at the same time - if the article caused you to discover something you had never heard of, maybe it's served its purpose?
No idea to be honest, (and I haven't seen the article) but just a random thought.

But I do personally feel that some of these organisations are just living off past glory, so as to speak.
Why do you say that Brian? I just looked through 11 pounds of Magnum photographs and I certainly wasn't impressed.
I can't speak to the 11 pounds of Magnum photographs you're actually looking at Gary, but a glance at the Magnum membership over the years reveals a veritable who's who of photographic luminaries.
but a glance at the Magnum membership over the years reveals a veritable who's who of photographic luminaries
I can honestly say that looking at the membership names is as big a mystery to me as the worship that the brand inspires. I'd be hard-pressed to name ANY photographers on any list.
I can honestly say that looking at the membership names is as big a mystery to me as the worship that the brand inspires. I'd be hard-pressed to name ANY photographers on any list.
Personally I recognise many names of past Magnum members as well as a few of the current members. I wasn't suggesting you have to like the work that Magnum represents, I was just trying to provide a little context to my response about the organization's prestige.
Interesting. I'm generally a bit of a skeptic with regards to 'high-profile' photographic literature, but don't know much about it either.
Well, aperture # 255 (Summer 2024) arrived yesterday and it feels more like a photo magazine this time than it did with the first issue I got. So far I've read and enjoyed the first couple of articles. We'll see how the rest of it goes.aperture 255.jpg
aperture 255 contents.jpg
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