Architectural Support Mechanism

Reminds me of those Singapore supertrees. As always and as shown admirably here, Mother Nature got there first and did a better job of it.

Btw, I s'pose, when you say heavily cropped, you're only left with a miserly twenty megapixels, or something..
View attachment 19158

Heavily cropped. Q3. I know that many architects study flower structures. I have seen a man-made structure similar to this, I just can't remember where exactly.

Charles Darwin: "from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved".

Beautiful image! The most intriguing part for me is the dark envelope of bracts at the base of the umbrella with its crosses of sharp points.
Beautiful image! The most intriguing part for me is the dark envelope of bracts at the base of the umbrella with its crosses of sharp points.
Indeed, Gianluca. A fab image of a beautiful subect ('fab' and 'beautiful' are interchangeable here). I've only just properly noticed how the individual little flower heads are 'mini me's' of the greater whole. One of those fractal moments..
I have seen a man-made structure similar to this

The inflorescence of an umbellifer seen from below has the architecture of a church dome seen from within, only this one is convex while that one is concave, and in this one the darker parts are in the centre of the scene, while in that one they are on the periphery.
If it reminds you of something you've seen before, perhaps search your memory in this regard: a dome seen in negative.

If, on the other hand, you are not thinking in terms of volume and light, but in terms of structural elements, every iron engineering structure of the last century (bridges, towers, stadiums, the Eiffel Tower itself) has something in common.

Stylistically, your inflorescence reminds me of Liberty's fantasies.
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