Attempt at some candid shots

Paul Lange

Not really getting into candid photographs in the past I decided to get over my usual shyness and start taking shots of people in Istanbul. I have been looking at these for weeks on and off but haven't really got any ideas how I might do it better next time so thought I would ask you guys.




The color in #2 is amazing. What is it that vendor is selling?

My favorite is the last one. That one woman's face fairly pops right out of the picture. Very nice.
If you going to be regularly traveling to places like that ... Really you almost obliged to take photos of the locals to show us ... ;)
Good work!
The last one reminds me of one o Darren Bradley's first posts, with the person in a croud making eye contact!
I think that's my favourite!
#4 - eye contact - excellent! :)

Would also work in B&W I think - as she's so well lit and nice and sharp compared to the other people
Thanks for the positive comments guys, really appreciate it. Kev, the colour in No 2 is due to the Direct Positive preset in LR, it really boosts the colours and adds a little grain. I think I'll have to go out more often with the compact, most of the time people don't even realise your taking their photo. It would be nice to get talking to people before taking the photos though to see how they come out differently.
Great set of images, i like them all the last one a definitely is a winner IMO with the almost singled out lady spot on focus with great eye contact to. This image also remind me of my time in Marrakesh in the medina / souks or what ever the word

Really would never get tired of looking at images like this........!!

Great work.

Nice pictures, especially 2 and 4.

I'm starting to get the hang of these presets - just tried Direct Positive myself, applied it, then did Auto tone, reduced the saturation and contrast a bit and got a very nice result. Thanks!