Attempt at some street photography in Sydney

The expression of the young girl minding that camera in your last shot is awesome, young lad having fun on the scooter is also great. This is where i would draw the line i am afraid if i was taking photo in the street, i wouldn't point my camera at children, i dont think its a bad thing and your examples are awesome and i envy your talent. Personally Its just the fear factor of being labelled or accused of being a weirdo that puts me off. This is the only line i wont cross when taking photos in the street, anything else goes as far as i am concerned.


I understand what you mean by the children thing, Daz. I guess you could say it's kind of a double standard.. Me being a teenage girl, if their parents see me taking a photo of them ortheir children for most of them they just gave me smile or looked away. For an adult male to be doing that you would probably be given the evils and / or approached. I know this guy who was taking some photos of a school that was being built, and there were two girls walking past.. he didn't even really notice. Next day theres a knock at his door with police taking in his camera and phone for inspection because the girls told their parents who told police this man was taking photos of them walking home. So yeh.. I don't know if double standards is the right term but you get what I mean, hopefully :D
Aslo thanks all for the kind comments :)
wow that soooooo bad about your mate and the school makes you wonder what the world is coming to doesn't it..........!! But the scary thing is there are some weirdo's about so everyone has to be a little careful.

Yes i agree with you being a young lady you can get away with shots like this without anyone batting an eye lid.

keep up the good work

Reckon we could be in for it Pete when down under wakes up :D:D
Pete and Kev.. Picking on little old Tamworth are we? :D
Heres a fw fun facts about Tamworth.
Tamworth has an aproximate population of 50 000 people. (I called bs when I heard that..)
Tamworth is the home to Australia's Country Music Festival and on average aproximately 30 000 people from around Australia and the world come for the festival. (I hate it so so much.. lol)
As you enter Tamworth from Sydney direction To your left is a 12m high, wooden Guitarthat is painted gold. The famous 'Golden Guitar' :D
here is an attached image.
Pete and Kev.. Picking on little old Tamworth are we? :D
Heres a fw fun facts about Tamworth.
Tamworth has an aproximate population of 50 000 people. (I called bs when I heard that..)
Tamworth is the home to Australia's Country Music Festival and on average aproximately 30 000 people from around Australia and the world come for the festival. (I hate it so so much.. lol)
As you enter Tamworth from Sydney direction To your left is a 12m high, wooden Guitarthat is painted gold. The famous 'Golden Guitar' :D
here is an attached image.
View attachment 2065

So Cobba taking the 50,000 and add the visiting 30,000 that's about all of Oz then, blimey mate you'll be needing another road then :D:D:D:D:D
Kev.. Are you forgetting the country in which you live? :D
You could fit 30+ Eglands in Aus!. We have farms bigger then some European countires :D
Brodie, I cannot forget where I live, have you ever trodden in some you wish you hadn't? well that the UK.....Shite :D just wish I could get out but hey yo have to play the hand you were dealt sometimes............

My jibe is only in jest Gal.......I reckon you got it pretty good down there.........sometimes but you don't get the seasons like us pommies.........oh an yer beer is shite too...........:D:D:D i wouldn't give a ofur x for it.:D
The UK is on my list of places to visit before I die. Doesn't look bad :D
And I personally like the beer! haha.. Anything I didn't reply to means I didnt have a cue what you were saying :D
I would love to go visit Aus, i watched home & away & neighbours for to long in my younger years and that gave me the need to visit someday :-)
The kid on the scooter and the tambourine man are really top notch - as you've noted, being a young female probably has it's advantages when shooting in close quarters on the street.

But that's just a bunch of big blokes hiding behind an excuse, because shooting street is a scary thing! :D

Nicely done :)
I quite enjoyed gettig close.. I think it helped that I was in a place not familiar to me and did't know anyone.. If I was to do this in my home town I think I'd be slightly more reserved as you eaither know everyone ornow someone who knows them and vise versa :D
Thank you, Chris :)
I've ended up here pretty late from following the links in street photography threads, What a great set of photographs! There's some real crackers in there. I like to many of them to pick a fav. I'd love to see some more.