Aunt and niece in B&W

Tim Pindar

Well-Known Member
A new B&W treatment of a picture I took a year ago. I'm really pleased with it.

The original suffered from silhouetting due to a bright window behind, or unnatural colour on the faces if brightened or using fill light.

I've cropped the window out via a square crop, and switched to B&W with a vignette to complete the transformation. I started from the "soft light baby sepia" preset.

Does it need a border? I quite like the effect without one.

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Oh WOW!! Tim this is a cracker!!
I bet she's happy with that shot.... Canvas worthy! :)
I couldn't of done that any better to be honest Tim..... :)
Can't fault that, Tim.
I wouldn't bother with a border, you've got picture elements to give it a frame of sorts so I can't see anything else being necessary.
I've just ordered a 12x12 inch canvas wrap of this photo. Will report back when it arrives. Maybe take a picture of it!
What a transformation Tim - the B&W version is just classic - all that emotional engagement with the subject

Lovely job :)
Thats really nice mate!
Im actually surprised how good a shot you have got out of a tweaked version of that preset!
very nice mate!
OK well the canvas wrap of this photo has now arrived, and here it is!

(Photo in colour as promised :p )

Not sure how familiar this is to everyone else, but this is the first one or these I've ever had made from one of my photos. Ordered from Photobox direct from my Zenfolio site, came very quickly considering the holiday season (ordered on 31/12). Happy with the quality.

I chose not to have the photo wrap around the edges so I didn't lose the bottom detail, but that was fully configurable when ordering.

(I know Snapmad are a lot cheaper and some say they are fine and others say they are "good for the money".)

Cheers. I need one of her sister now.

One funny thing though - it's just dawned on me that these two aren't aunt and niece at all - despite the age difference they're actually cousins!
It's good your that familiar with your own family tree Tim ;)

Do you know, its a bit like a venture photo ... But better! If you got that from venture they oils both be looking at the camera, it would be loads less personal and it probably would have cost you best part of a grand!!