It would not be me, not to comment here. Firstly, a very nice shot Rob and a telling one with a good title. Secondly I do not understand you and well Julian, albeit he makes sense at times

. A camera is a tool, you either like it or you don't. Rob, you are complaining that the models of this time changes too fast, but think of it as the first editions are like the film ones. Once they are getting a new model out, the old one becomes more like the film based cameras if you follow my meaning? Whether you have a film based camera, you still have to digitalise it, so what's the big difference if not for your minds that are tricked into believing that film is the thing. ( Sorry). As you know, I bought a OMD EM10 as I showed here and to you both, especially Julian on this, it is a marvel. I have now travelled literally around Denmark with an OMD 5, this OMD 10 and my Pentax. The one that was used the most was the little Olympus EM10. All metal and a little heavy like, small, robust, two wheels to monitor aperture and shutters, just like your omd em 5 Julian. Display if you want to use it, or not. Crystal clear and bright viewfinder and if you want to put a 14mm or a 17 mm, you are unobtrusive with a film like camera of seen in yesteryears. Shut off the display and you do not see the result till you get home or as I, leave it to be seen in your viewfinder for a second. From what I have come to learn of you two mentioned here, this is a wonderful camera with lots of opportunities for you. You can have a 14mm, a 25mm and a 45mm and you are great. The two not in use, fits in any pocket you may have and won't burden you down. It comes with a pancake 14 - 42mm/f3,5-5,6 which quality is unbelievable and I wonder, why do I need the 14mm for. So I mostly used that one. You can shoot at a speed of 8 images a second if you prefer, which I never seem to do, and well, it is a little Leica and to me, just as good too. ( I hope Olympus sees this! )

Sorry guys for treading down on you like this, but Julian, with a 10 and your five, you have all you need. I know, why do I carry on like that? Could it be love