Boston 48 hours later

Glenn Clabo

Well-Known Member
The atmosphere was reserved...but the people are determined to do what they would normally do. There were many photo ops with a wide range of subjects. Here are a few...

I started at City Hall...all flags are at half staff...

Literally half the police in the area are on duty...

A block away from where is all happened...

On the street there are many of these...

Then right across the street there are many people just doing what they would normally do...

There are notes with reasons...

This little girl volunteered her bag for inspection on the shuttle boat back to the Navy Yard...
Good selection, Glenn, with plenty to pull at the emotions, as with a lot of good photography. I liked the relaxed lady on the phone, with the chilled out dog and baby - life goes on. The terrorists can never win.

Thanks for sharing these. Very atmospheric. A story in every shot.

Where I grew up there was a lot of this type of violence. The resilience of people, their basic goodness and determination to help and carry on, was always present.
Rob... Thank you. I am so proud of how this city is reacting to this.

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Stephen... Thank you.
Although I can't compare myself to what other people who live in countries that live through these things too often...I had my car blown up when I lived in Greece in the early 70's. It was the first time I realized that people will do unspeakable things to make a point...but the people I lived near were even more upset than me. I couldn't buy a glass of Retsina for a very long time. :cool:
Just last week Laurie and I were walking right where this happened...stopped at the Starbucks that was blown up...did some shopping on Newberry St...then went to a bar right next to where the second bomb blew. As we were walking home we both talked about how Boston was such a great city...and how we loved living here. This has not changed our mind and in fact has made us more resolute.

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Kev...thank you.
I have lived a very full life that has given me a respect for peoples feelings...thoughts...and opinions. However, when someone goes to the extreme of building and planting devices that are designed to not really kill but to maim...thinking they are expressing those... feelings...thoughts...and opinions...I can't understand.

Of all the places I've lived, Boston is the finest. I still have friends up there and the first thing I did was contact them. One of my buddies was actually at the Marathon and heard the explosions.

Boston is just a great city full of truly wonderful people. I haven't stopped missing it since I moved back to Texas which was due to some family issues.

I really miss the Regatta Bar and Scullers. Not much jazz in Texas.....sigh.......
i'm glad to see people out continuing on with their lives and looking relaxed about it. a powerful series of images, some of the same scenes i've seen on the news, but this seems more personal and thought out.
Thanks is personal to me. It's like a stranger broke into my house and destroyed my living room...and killed my family members.
I think stills tell a more emotional story than video in these situations - and these are no exception Glenn.

Glad that you went out to record this, it will help everyone understand, and later to remember what happened
Thank you for asking Dave...Rob.
We are ok...they have asked us to stay in place while they track down the other...still unsure if there were 2 or 3...killers.
Such a vibrant busy city has been brought to a stop. Even during a snow storm shut down we can go out and find a beer. I think this is going to be a single malt at home night.
Been through a lot in my life...nothing like this.
It would seem here we can fill you in it looks like according to the news we are getting it was 2 brothers the third was not involved one was shot last night in Watertown after a hold up at a 7-11 and a car chase is it and they are now causing a controlled explosion at one of the brothers houses in cambridge |\\\\\we have heard boston is in lockdown
Thank you for asking Dave...Rob.
We are ok...they have asked us to stay in place while they track down the other...still unsure if there were 2 or 3...killers.
Such a vibrant busy city has been brought to a stop. Even during a snow storm shut down we can go out and find a beer. I think this is going to be a single malt at home night.
Been through a lot in my life...nothing like this.

Be safe. I just read an interview with a local who had a bullet come through the wall of his home. Heartbreaking to hear of the young officer killed, and another injured.

This additional turmoil makes your set of photographs even more poignant.

Thinking of you, and everyone in Boston. As you say, it is personal.
Dave...Thank you. We are fixed on the TV and internet.
I think the lockdown word is really not what is happening. We are able to do what ever we want...but the law enforcement pros are asking us to just stay where we are to facilitate the search...and reduce the possibility of cilivian harm. The vast majority of us want this to come to a safe conclusion as fast as we are just staying at home. In fact...the local pub has opened...but I'm too cheap to pay for a single malt there and I've sent my mind to one...or two...or three. :eek:
They got him...and appears to be alive! You can hear the cheers all over this town.

From what I can tell, no more lives were lost, and no further injuries incurred in the process. I am very glad for that.

Best wishes for Boston, and thanks to the cool men and women who caught him.